Sunday, October 29, 2006

Measured in Pounds of Cookies

An author addressing the John Locke Foundation said that he measures americans attitudes towards the war in Iraq in pounds of cookies. (Remember John Locke?....Use reason to find the truth rather than blindly accept he opinion of authorities,,and much more. We'll talk about him later.) At one point during research for an article he was writing he called the Post Master General and was told that care packages to Iraq (I presume it was Iraq) were down 25% from the year before. This was a comparison between 2005 and 2006. That got me to thinking about attitudes and mine especially. Its amazing to think that we would not send packages to loved ones abroad because our attitude towards the long battle woresend. Then I thought about it for a moment. Lets say that the war was going so well. Lets say that while still terrible, the war was accomplishing the goals set out and these were being accomplished before we lost interest and grew impatient. Would I send more packages to a popular conflict over a less poplular one?

Why do people send packages to soldiers? Is this not an expression of love? Boil it down to its most basic element. Its love.

Having said that, its obvious that love knows no boundry, limit, color, or creed. We would never consciously hold back expressions of our love simply because the task we have asked our brothers, sons, and fathers (not forgetting the women as well), as soldiers, to endure is unpopular.

If the post office reports that 25% fewer packages and treats are being sent, Im willing to believe it. It doesnt mean that our troops have been reduced by the same amount. So lets take a look at our cookie, or.....expressions of love goals and raise the bar.

Tell me what ya think. I dont think this applies to our group...but its a though worth thinking.


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