That is a picture of THE corner office.
Ok! Here is the plan. Tomorrow I get up early and I will drive out to Camp Williams which is in the middle between Salt Lake City and Orem. From about 8am to 1pm or so I will be getting a physical. This is the first step toward my goal of flying for the Army. The overall goal is to fly for anyone that will pay me but lets try this first. I have talked to the aviation recruiter and everything has gone well so far. I have enough college credits to go to Officer Candidate School. I am in pretty good shape and getting better all the time. Thankfully I am not too old yet either. So things are looking pretty good. By the time anyone reads this the physical will be over and the next post will describing the day.
This effort is part of a much larger effort to become the person I know I can be. I have always been interested in service and flying. I think the Guard, and the missions they fly here in Utah are interesting and fit the bill nicely. That's the career part. At the same time I am learning about myself and how to frame past and present episodes in a positive way. For the first time in my life I know that I can make a contribution to an organization. So many people show up to work, punch the clock and wait until its time to punch out. I have never been one to do that. This time feels different because it will be work that has meaning for me and is something that I know I can succeed at.
Here we go. Lets see what happens
Back when there was SAC, they had a flight instructor's school. The school had a motto. It was "Fly the Airplane." It meant no matter who is yakking at you on the radio, or what piece of equipment is not working right at the moment, or where is my tuna sandwich--someone better be flying the stinking airplane--anything else is crap. So keep on flying your airplane and good luck with the rest of your stuff.
Adam, you have always made a positive inpact on every organization that you have belonged to. Caledonia High School loved you. The Navy loved you. Classic Skate loved you. McGraffs loved you. Your family loves you. Your friends love you. The Savior and His Father loves you. You are one of the best. Your inpact on the Army will be a great one.
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