The threats come from the extremes on both sides. These folks are on the air and in the papers; their job is to keep their audience of millions filled with rumor, fear, and anger at the so-called injustices of this person or that government body. The result is, the masses are left feeling lost and powerless. Be assured, that is the goal; keep us so bewildered with fantastic accusations and fear of the worst of times, that we raise our hands and think "there is nothing that I can do". This is the game they play to stay in power. Eventually they will come with smiles, answers, and smooth talk. They may not hold office but their aim is the same. Power and control. Choose with care the source of your news and information. Listen carefully, with an educated mind, for those that do not use specifics, those that do not qualify, and those that use veiled racism, fear, and fantastic accusation. Think for yourself. Do as Jefferson desired; become an informed part of the electorate. Then you can do as Adams and speak out against those that sneer, and cry for blood. I speak for no side. I speak for the constitution as one who defends it. I speak for the common man that is being played for a both sides. For the love of YOUR country....Turn off your TV, Radio and put down your magazine. Listen to no more opinions and educate yourself with history, facts, documents, and make up your OWN mind. Pray about them if you desire. Pray for comfort....your fear is killing us.