Monday, April 05, 2010

While I was in Oklahoma and Virginia for training I spent so much time and about every meal with good friends and amazing people. I also had plenty of me time. Now that I am home I am completely alone. I don't have those guys around to be with, talk to, and laugh with. It's the suddenness of the change that is so painful I guess. I drive around when I'm hungry and wonder who I could eat with and talk to. I feel like I'm in mourning! Its weird. The people and friends I know here in Utah are slowly transitioning into new relationships, marriage, and children of their own.

So the pressure is on to get into a working environment were I can bury myself in more relationships. I need it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The threats come from the extremes on both sides. These folks are on the air and in the papers; their job is to keep their audience of millions filled with rumor, fear, and anger at the so-called injustices of this person or that government body. The result is, the masses are left feeling lost and powerless. Be assured, that is the goal; keep us so bewildered with fantastic accusations and fear of the worst of times, that we raise our hands and think "there is nothing that I can do". This is the game they play to stay in power. Eventually they will come with smiles, answers, and smooth talk. They may not hold office but their aim is the same. Power and control. Choose with care the source of your news and information. Listen carefully, with an educated mind, for those that do not use specifics, those that do not qualify, and those that use veiled racism, fear, and fantastic accusation. Think for yourself. Do as Jefferson desired; become an informed part of the electorate. Then you can do as Adams and speak out against those that sneer, and cry for blood. I speak for no side. I speak for the constitution as one who defends it. I speak for the common man that is being played for a both sides. For the love of YOUR country....Turn off your TV, Radio and put down your magazine. Listen to no more opinions and educate yourself with history, facts, documents, and make up your OWN mind. Pray about them if you desire. Pray for comfort....your fear is killing us.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Here are some pictures of OCS and then BOLC II. BOLC is the school I am in now for 7 weeks. I come home just before thanksgiving. Its a leadership course on basic infantry tactics and stuff like that. I have met some really interesting people and have made some life long friends I am sure. Its not the training that I enjoy, its the people.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Yes....I knew exactly what I was doing when I was grinning like an idiot! I still laugh every time I see it.

Monday, August 31, 2009

This debate is getting weird.

Im not a huge fan of Barney Frank but in this particular instance he has a point.

I do not believe that offering a public plan is communism nor do I believe that deficit spending is a valid argument. If spending was the problem then why did we spend millions a day in Iraq for the wrong reason?

I want the medical system overhauled because unlike ANY other "more developed country", citizens are being turned away because of a lack of health insurance. These are people that work hard, pay taxes and contribute to society. For those that don't contribute as much as I do or do not work as hard as I do; let them die? This reasoning is called social Darwinism....republicans don't believe in evolution do they?

Recieving proper health care is a right and not a privilege. Just about the entire planet understands this and shakes their head when they hear about our system. Who has the right to decide who dies and who lives. Is there really no better way to do this? Is there a way to fix our system without a public option?

When people bring up not wanting to cover illegal aliens it makes me cringe. This arguement is nothing more than code for racism. Racism is alive and well in this country. Anyone that does not work as hard as me, is not as well educated, is not the same color as me, or talks funny is looked down upon. We all know it. We just don't admit it.

In another video on youtube, a middle aged woman was describing herself as conservative and subcribing to "biblical values". This same women yelled "Hiel Hitler!" at a Jewish man being interviewed on camera at the same town hall meeting! (Did I spell that right?). This re-enforces the lesson I have learned: Never listen to anyone who uses "biblical values" to emphasize a political point of view! What happened to the idea of having a discussion about real issues. We have become polarized to the point that the middle ground is guarded only by the silent, disillusioned majority. We bow down to both liberal and conservative screaming heads and fail to completely understand any issue at all. We have become accustomed to being told what to think. It is challenging to be well informed these days but it is possible. I have only met 1 person that actually read the Health Care Bill. (Im not sure what version....certainly not a final version?)

So I have two points.

1. Take the emotion out of this thing. Have a decent if not energetic conversation about real issues and leave the "Hiel Hitler at home.

2. American values have room for a change to health care, with or without a public option.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cloris Leachman

I was watching the movie "High Anxiety" today and was surprised to see Cloris Leachman playing the evil, head nurse. I am a huge fan of Cloris. She has been acting since 1947, won more emmys than any other actor. She is great!

So here is what you do: rent "High Anxiety", "Music of the Heart" and finally "Spanglish". I think you will enjoy these. She did so much television that its hard to see her on screen. Take an afternoon and enjoy!