Tuesday, March 06, 2007

First off let me say that the physical went very well. With a little help from the Priesthood and Heavenly Father and many prayers the entire procedure was a non-event. Im looking forward to the next step of going to OCS and getting a commission.

The acting Secretary of the Army said on Monday as he testified before a House Committee that the Army Reserves and Guard units are no longer a Strategic Reserve. "We are ONE ARMY" he says. The Guard and Reserve units should be treated the same on and off the battlefield.

If you are in a Reserve or Guard unit...I beg you to stand up for your rights. It is up to the individual soldier to demand the proper service. I leave it up to you to decided the best way to do that. There is a better way I suppose than just yelling and screaming. Use the chain of command!! That is why its there. It is Army policy for Guard and Reserve Soldiers to be treated the SAME!! This goes for travel reimbursement, medical, and VA treatment.

I get a little riled up when it comes to these sorts of bullshit injustices. Im so tired of the "suck it up" mentality. It is obvious to me that the Army Chief of Staff and the SEC ARMY do not agree.

PTSD is real. Its not bullshit. It is not a form of malingering. If you have command of or supervise troops (first line supervisors), it is your legal responsibility to follow proper Army procedure in dealing with any Soldier that may be suffering from PTSD. The Army Chief of Staff expects it. Gen. Richard Cody the Vice COS and Gen. Peter Schoomaker are the folks saying these things. Im not pulling this out of my rear.

It takes the individual soldier to change the culture. I sure as hell plan on it!

Anyway....from the sound of it...A better Armed Forces is on the way.

Love you Guys.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go son! Rock and Shake up the chain of command until these issues are fixed. I want to fix those things but dad will not let me so go forth and do the right thing that you have been commanded to do.
Love IceMom

9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adam, I guess is that if you don't want to make life miserable while serving, that you wait until you are out of the system before you shake thing up too much.

Uncle Chuck

8:54 AM  
Blogger Adam said...

True. Very true. I will need to find some sort of Machiavellian way to get those things done. But then again...

I can wait

2:40 AM  

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