Tuesday, May 01, 2007

In Washington DC live an Administrative Law Judge. This judge sent his pants to a laundry to be cleaned and pressed. The laundry, owned be an older South Korean couple (yes...they are legal residents!!) lost his pants for a couple of weeks if I remember correctly. They did find his $800.00 dollar pants yet he refused to take them back and instead is suing the couple and their eldest son for 46 million dollars.

46,000,000. Thats right! The couple offered the man 3000, then 4500, then 12,000 dollars to settle the suit...yet he will not relent.

This is the type of BS that keeps commonsense out of the court system. This man has lost touch with reality and has was obviously sick the day they taught ethics at whatever college he attended. The lawsuit has been pending for 2 years already.

This report was aired on ABC, or CBS tonight.

This guy needs to lose his job. He needs to be audited. He deserves to to have his family ruined. He is lucky that the law of Moses no longer applies. Prick! Just another example of what is legal is not right.

So google this story if you can. Find the guys name...and write him a letter. Tell him how you feel about his abuse of our legal system.


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