Friday, April 27, 2007

I wanted to hear some different views on Nationalism and how you folks might frame this particular ideology.


An ideology that each nation constitutes a natural political community whose members should all live together under the authority of "their own" independent nation state.

The advocacy of the utmost political advancement of one’s nation or people, without regard to the consequences, in promoting hostility and competition, discrimination and vilification.

Nationalist are very patriotic. They want English as the official language in the US. They believe that white, english speaking Americans should be the only ones in the United States. They desire very tight immigration policies regardless of what country those immigrants might be from. The Balkan states found their independence from the former Soviet Union through Nationalism and followed through with ethnic cleansing causing the U.N. and Nato to send troops to quell the violence. Gandhi used forms of Nationalism effectively to work for the Indian people. Our own war for Independance from England is an excellent example of Nationalism at work.

Nationalism often binds people together to fight for a common cause. Usually it is based on more ethnic or neo-ethnic lines. I say neo-ethnic because of how it can manifest itself in ways such as our fight for Independance with two struggling groups cut from the same cloth. The colonies had a shared ethnicity with their "repressive" benefactor yet the Nationalism comes from the fact that, over time, they began to see themselves as separate. They or we wanted our own identity. Identity is at the core Nationalism. Many fear that allowing Mexicans, or Asians to "over run" our country may cause us to loose our National Identity.

I have had this post saved as a draft and Im not sure how to finish it. So I will leave it there and let people tell me what they like or dislike about nationalism. I think it is clear that I don't approve of more extreme or orthodox manifestations of nationalism. Moderation is the key for me.

Anyway...tell me what you think. DISCUSS!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh, yes. The topic of Identity. My thesis from my Guatamala study was all about Identity and Nationalism. It discussed how individuals from within the same Mayan village but representing differing socioeconomic levels defined their "identity." Identity was the dominate factor in driving ones individual and community identity. I found 3 separate groups--(1) the traditional, mayan group--agricultural based, native language, traditional clothing, inward community scope, slow to adopt "western/hispanic" values. (2) the upper class--values traditional schooling, western clothing, modern conveniences, outward national scope, quick to adapt to western advances. (3)those in transition--bilingual, values schooling, values mayan traditions while learning to manipulate selective western values and concepts.

I would imagine that the three groups would be represented in Afghanistan also. Nationalism typically is represented as homogenous thinking--what these countries will have to instill is that Nationalism could also be a celebration of variety of thinking and cultures. They will be forced to "celebrate the difference" in order to survive together. Easier said than done. Think of all the marriages and families that could be saved if that were to happen within our own homes.

Anyway--that's my two cents (or maybe buck and a half)

2:07 PM  
Blogger John and Jan Sherman said...

Mom says that moderation is the key for her too. She doesn't really worry about people with different colored skins move to our country as long as they do it legally and can support themselves. We can't expect immigrants to speak and understand English at first, but history has shown us that the immigrant family and its posterity do adapt. Somehow, being a fair-skinned caucasion, I wish our country could remain fair-skinned and caucasian but that is not realistic and so I don't really wish for that either. Genes will play a role, there will continue to be blonds, brunettes and redheads. Basically, I want to live in a free country where there are rules and order.


9:55 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

Thats a good point. In the context of conflict it reminds me of how the US underestimated how the Vietnamese identified themselves as only thinly veiled communists to serve larger purpose that I cannot remember at the moment. Its the same in Iraq it would seem as so many identify first with their local Imam, then with their clan (Sunni & Shia) and then with Iraq if at all. I wonder if your experience showed that one group showed contempt for or isolates themselves from the other groups.

Im glad you commented because it took my thinking in a different direction. Its great.

9:59 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

The comment I made was in response to Andrew's comment.

6:00 AM  

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