Who can guess what Incontenence Knickers are?
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Measured in Pounds of Cookies
An author addressing the John Locke Foundation said that he measures americans attitudes towards the war in Iraq in pounds of cookies. (Remember John Locke?....Use reason to find the truth rather than blindly accept he opinion of authorities,,and much more. We'll talk about him later.) At one point during research for an article he was writing he called the Post Master General and was told that care packages to Iraq (I presume it was Iraq) were down 25% from the year before. This was a comparison between 2005 and 2006. That got me to thinking about attitudes and mine especially. Its amazing to think that we would not send packages to loved ones abroad because our attitude towards the long battle woresend. Then I thought about it for a moment. Lets say that the war was going so well. Lets say that while still terrible, the war was accomplishing the goals set out and these were being accomplished before we lost interest and grew impatient. Would I send more packages to a popular conflict over a less poplular one?
Why do people send packages to soldiers? Is this not an expression of love? Boil it down to its most basic element. Its love.
Having said that, its obvious that love knows no boundry, limit, color, or creed. We would never consciously hold back expressions of our love simply because the task we have asked our brothers, sons, and fathers (not forgetting the women as well), as soldiers, to endure is unpopular.
If the post office reports that 25% fewer packages and treats are being sent, Im willing to believe it. It doesnt mean that our troops have been reduced by the same amount. So lets take a look at our cookie, or.....expressions of love goals and raise the bar.
Tell me what ya think. I dont think this applies to our group...but its a though worth thinking.
An author addressing the John Locke Foundation said that he measures americans attitudes towards the war in Iraq in pounds of cookies. (Remember John Locke?....Use reason to find the truth rather than blindly accept he opinion of authorities,,and much more. We'll talk about him later.) At one point during research for an article he was writing he called the Post Master General and was told that care packages to Iraq (I presume it was Iraq) were down 25% from the year before. This was a comparison between 2005 and 2006. That got me to thinking about attitudes and mine especially. Its amazing to think that we would not send packages to loved ones abroad because our attitude towards the long battle woresend. Then I thought about it for a moment. Lets say that the war was going so well. Lets say that while still terrible, the war was accomplishing the goals set out and these were being accomplished before we lost interest and grew impatient. Would I send more packages to a popular conflict over a less poplular one?
Why do people send packages to soldiers? Is this not an expression of love? Boil it down to its most basic element. Its love.
Having said that, its obvious that love knows no boundry, limit, color, or creed. We would never consciously hold back expressions of our love simply because the task we have asked our brothers, sons, and fathers (not forgetting the women as well), as soldiers, to endure is unpopular.
If the post office reports that 25% fewer packages and treats are being sent, Im willing to believe it. It doesnt mean that our troops have been reduced by the same amount. So lets take a look at our cookie, or.....expressions of love goals and raise the bar.
Tell me what ya think. I dont think this applies to our group...but its a though worth thinking.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
I am sitting in my chair with my feet on my bed eating a veggie tray and drinking Egg Nog. Im feeling safe and cozy with not a care in the world. On the Discovery Channel is a story about Kim Peek. Kim is the original "Rain Man" He is an amazing man. He is 55 years old, from Salt Lake City, and he is an inspiration. He has a love of life and information. As I watched the story develop on the screen, he is shown talking to music students at the the Universtity of Utah and a studen asks him this question. "Can you recite the speech the King gave his troops in Henry V?" Now this speech was given on October 25th before the battle of Agincourt. Its a great speech and some of Bill's best words. (Shakespeare) Allow me to call your attention to the bottom paragraph. These are the thoughts that bring me to remember Afghanistan. As we get closer to St. Crispins Day it just seems poinant that I would feel safe and cozy in my room as others are not.
- KING. This day is called the feast of Crispian:
- He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
- Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named,
- And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
- He that shall live this day, and see old age,
- Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
- And say "To-morrow is Saint Crispian":
- Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars.
- And say "These wounds I had on Crispin's day."
- Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,
- But he'll remember with advantages
- What feats he did that day: then shall our names,
- Familiar in his mouth as household words
- Harry the king, Bedford and Exeter,
- Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester,
- Be in their flowing cups freshly remember'd.
- This story shall the good man teach his son;
- And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
- From this day to the ending of the world,
- But we in it shall be remember'd;
- We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
- For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
- Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
- This day shall gentle his condition:
- And gentlemen in England now a-bed
- Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
- And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
- That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day. (IV, iii)
Friday, October 20, 2006

I spent 2 years on the flight deck working as a plane captain or crew chief and half of that time spent as the flight deck coordinator for the Line Division. All that means is that I got yelled at for peoples mistakes. Nothing special.
This picture shows me with the old wallet and some sort of strange grin. I think I was constipated from all the white rice and brown gravy. I learned of the wonders of pepper on this cruises. Anyway....these are my best freinds. Nick the ordanace guy in red, Cubby, the ECams guy, and Pete the other Ordy. I was tossing the old Jr. High wallet over board. Dad took the picture. This one on the left here is my favorite place in the world. Its amazing.
This is fantastic. They get the whole squadron involved and some of the ships company. Each color shirt you see represents a different "shop". We see the Admin folks, Maintenance, Quality Control, Plane Captians (brown shirts...or turd shirts), Airframe guys, Avionics Techs, and a few others. It brings back the Memories....
Now...I was thinking about what this blog is about. For now I will use it to explore my navy past and love for all thing aviation. I suppose I started with the Navy because I am so wrapped up in Aaron's um...adventure. Its just how I relate.
As I continue flying and move on to other adventures I will post my own pics and vidoes. I will post some of my Navy pics in the next post.
Now...I was thinking about what this blog is about. For now I will use it to explore my navy past and love for all thing aviation. I suppose I started with the Navy because I am so wrapped up in Aaron's um...adventure. Its just how I relate.
As I continue flying and move on to other adventures I will post my own pics and vidoes. I will post some of my Navy pics in the next post.
So these folks are educated and highly trained aviators. Its a LONG cruise.
Early Warning Aircraft.
Early Warning Aircraft.
Amazing Landings. During the flight test phase of certifying an aircraft for the FAA manufacturers put the aircraft through amazing tests. This is a series of amazing crosswind landings. These pilots are at the top of their game. They get it done.
This is interesting. It is from "Pri Fly" It shows the "tower" basically on the carrier. The Air Boss is the Air department head on board the carrier and as she pans the camera around you notice that there is a rep from each squadron in the room. These folks act as a liason and assist fellow pilots if anything might come up in an emergency. The airboss is pretty much the guy to listen to. If you ever have to "make the walk" to see him....its a bad thing. I remember on my second cruise to the gulf....he would always correct people over the loud speaker if someone wasnt where they were supposed to be by saying..."What color is the sky in your world?" Funny. Anyway...at the end of the vid...she is pointing at a crew that is replacing one of the arresting gear wires.