Monday, July 30, 2007

WOW. I now have over 2200 hits on my blog. Im glad that so many diverse groups of individuals identify with the thoughts that I convey in an eloquent, sensitive, and intellectual manner.

Either that or A3 is really really bored.

Either way, I'll take it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy crap--he won't send me an email, but he'll make a thousand hits to the site. :)

10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't hate because I now have the biggest dot on the map!! I have a dream man!!! My dream is to be able to leave the biggest mark on this country before I leave! And now, if you look on the cluster map thingy-abob, I have done it! I have left my mark on this place, and now I can do no more... it is time to come home.

Andy... I still love you. (that was kind of awkward)


1:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Grandpa and Grandma in MI, Mom and Dad in MS and Natalie in KS look like they have left a mark also. We do all love you. And look at the hits from Utah - Wow, Andy has made a big mark too. Just know that we all love you and A3 has a dream to leave a mark on the world he is in.

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It isn't just a dream!! (say this next part very profoundly) It is a reality.

Ohhhh sends chills down my spine! Read it again! (Mufasaa!!... ahhh.... again!)

10:11 PM  

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