Friday, June 01, 2007

Gone For a Week.

I will be out doing the Guard thing this weekend. On Sunday morning I leave for our summer training in exotic Wendover!! I will take my camera and capture the excitement of it all.

See you then.

For now though, let me fill you in on the happenings around here. First, Corbin had his bi-annual dental visit. $500 dollars later and with one less molar he walked out and was none too happy. Now he is on pain killers and anti-biotics. The last time we spent 300 on his visit. So now we are going to try a different toothpaste and see how that works. Corbin is the only dog that does NOT like chew toys. These toys would really help his teeth. But he is happy and active and so am I.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe if Corbin saw you gnawing on some toys once and a while, he would follow your example. I think it will work, he has already learned how to eat with his mouth open and pee with one leg slightly elevated. I am sure if you start chewing on squeaker toys, he will too. Good luck!

4:17 AM  

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