A couple of months back we saw a mouse scurry across the floor in the kitchen. So I went out and bought some traps, glue paper and rat poison chewy blocks. I set all this up and the next day I find a glue paper trap thingy laying in corbin's bed without the poison block on it. So a blood test, stomach pump and lots of Vitamin K later he is back to normal. Rat poison supresses vitamin K and clotting factors so if you get a bleed it wont clot. It can cause internal bleeding without really needing a wound to start it. So thats where the danger lies.
Fast forward to today and I find myself out in the front yard talking on the phone to Austin and as I hang up Corbin comes trotting/limping around the corner of the house. I had let him out in the back yard 10 min before so I'm not sure how he got out at this point. I notice his limping and I trot over to help remove what I think is just a sticker from his paw. About 5 feet from him I notice a large number of bees swarming around Corbin. Thankfully we have a section of hose attached to the house right there so I turned it on and sprayed him down to get the bees off. He had about a dozen bees actually on him and making life horrible.
After some soothing words and a rub down and a little nap he was happy and comfy again. I don't see any swelling and his gums look ok as well.
Needless to say Corbin has had a few adventures he would rather have passed up. This is actually a natural progression for him I think. He is becoming more comfortable around other people and animals. He is slowly learning how to play with other dogs and he is no longer scared of cats. Yesterday he had one pinned under the wheel barrel and was delighted that he could bark at something. He seemed quite proud of himself. He usually doesnt bark at all. So As Corbin grows into his surroundings we have to be more aware of what he is up to and set boundaries as we go. On a brighter note....he has a new peanut flavored tooth paste that he loves. It makes it much easier to brush his teeth.