Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The prevailing feeling has been anxiety around here. The first reason is that Aaron is so close to coming home and we've made it this far. We just have to make it a couple more weeks and we wont have to worry. I have noticed that I am balancing on the top of the emotional ball so to speak. It doesn't take much to get the ol' lump in the throat thinking about it.

Reason number two is OCS. Its getting close to the start of zero phase. That is when I drill for 3 months at Camp Williams. Its just one weekend per month until January and thats ok, but this is where they lovingly teach you how to exercise. So the anticipation is growing. Last week I got my flight physical and everything was perfect except for the vision. That was to be expected. The next step is to find a good Lasic clinic and get it done. During the EKG I was borderline. So I took off my watch and belt and passed with flying colors. No sense in being borderline dead!

It has also been a nervous week waiting to get my next letter from Springville city concerning the dispatch job I applied for. I sent in the resume and cover letter, then went in with 17 other people for testing, then for an interview a week later, and now I wait for the second interview with the chief. Hope it works.

Thats the news from Lake Wobegon...not my home town. Where all the women are weird, the men are idiots, and the children are hopped up on Ritalin. Being in Utah though....we repent for it. YAY!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

borderline dead...yeah that could be awkward.

2:50 PM  

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