Monday, August 27, 2007

Then and Now

Its over; the waiting, worrying, and wondering. It's interesting to think about the actual number of family and friends caught up in Aaron's deployment. I can think of dozens (plural) of people with varying degrees of interest and concern. The last 15 months have been difficult at times. Yet we know that Aaron had it easier than so many others. I think we have come out of this experience better people. Although we have never taken our family relationships for granted, they are stronger still. Now that we are together again it is time to reach out. We know how precious family is and how unique our situation is living so close. This won't last forever. When everyone else has turned their back or left you behind, the only people still behind you are your family. We get so wrapped up in our lives here we sometimes forget about our Michigan relatives.

I don't know how families coped back in the days of snail mail and Vietnam. I think reading the different blogs has helped to make it bearable. I know Andy checked them many times a day to quench his thirst for details to help stay connected. I couldn't get enough myself. The more details the better I always thought. It's the fuzzy generalities that worried me. Either way, Aaron the the guys did a great job of keeping us up on how things were going. Natalie was also a great help in filling in the holes that were left open and keeping the refrigerator stocked with SODA!

Like I mentioned before, the long awaited day has arrived and he is back safe and sound. I know that a heavy burden has been lifted off of many shoulders. We are thankful for the lighter load and genuine smiles yet we also remember those still over yonder working to come home.


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