Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I got a hit from Italy! Im so happy that people find the blog. I wonder how they find me? I suppose they search a subject and it comes up on a listing. Do you think they search the blogger website or would they use a larger search engine?

Any way it works Im happy to see different people here!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are two ways to find your site: 1. hit the "next site" button (which by the way is dangerous--a lot of naughty content on there) and 2. doing a google search. When google bought blogspot, they removed the option of doing actual searches on the site.

6:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Mom & Dad went to Italy the other day. We had a lot of fun and thought you would enjoy the hit.
Love Mom & Dad

8:39 PM  

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