Saturday, October 06, 2007

Ive been watching the PBS series "The War" the last few nights.

Tonight a Japanese veteran was being interviewed. He was in his 80's with bags under his eyes and he started a few of his remarks with "why".

"Why, I never saw such a thing"

"Why, men were running every which way."

All that was left for him to do was laugh and It would have been perfect. I could see Grandpa sitting in his chair telling a bad joke about peeing in the corner of a round barn and laughing with those sharp eyes.


Blogger John and Jan Sherman said...

Which brings to mind one of those questions there is no answer to: How do you spell "Y" as in "Y I never heard of such a thing," or "Y that is terrible." I suppose it is just spelled why -- but it is not pronounced why -- it is just "Y". Y you dirty rat!

7:49 PM  

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