Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Michael Jackson

Thinking about Michael Jackson and his death got me thinking about being misunderstood. Thinking back to the filming of the Pepsi commercial that was burned during. The fire burned his nose, face, and hair. What does this have to do with being misunderstood? Consider that when a black man is burned his skin becomes and heals lighter in color. The nose on his face was very burned and had to be reconstructed.

Does this answer questions about why he wears a mask?
Does this answer questions about why he worked to lighten the pigment in his face?
Does this answer questions about why he would have a complex about how he looks?

MJ was 50 years old and weighed 105lbs at his death.
Long term eating disorders take a huge toll on the body and heart.
Why do a 4 hour exam on a guy if you aren't worried about his health?
The guy was good looking and and so recognizable across the world. What would this accident do to your perception of yourself?

So many people judge the guy for things beyond his control. He will certainly be judged for his faults and his creator will take care of that.


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