The pressure is incredible. I have to finish school this semester. There are only 7 weeks left! I have Biology, English, Algebra 1050, a 40 page paper, my commercial multi-engine rating, and human sexuality class to finish. Out of that list, the algebra and the rating are the most stressful.
Algebra is a horrible subject. It scares me. I feel like im 14 again and failure is inevitable. My fear of algebra is not normal for sure.
So after i was commissioned the dead line for finishing my degree was 18 months. I also have to be in my next army school in 18 months after my commissioning as well. So as far as my army career goes, there is a lot riding on me getting this done. Ive noticed that dealing with this last semester and the pressure to get it done has really limited the emotional capacity to deal with other issues. I don't feel like im going crazy but I can't imagine how married people do it. Having to deal with this and be able to be a responsible as a husband and father would boggle my mind. I don't know how the married brothers deal with these types of stressors.
One difference that I have noticed is the spouse. It is sooo beneficial to have someone there to listen to the stresses of the day and then push and motivate you towards the goal. I am NOT a self motivated kind of guy when it comes to school and homework. The motivation for me is that I have done something good; earned a commision. Now I want to keep it. I can't imagine messing that up.
Algebra is a horrible subject. It scares me. I feel like im 14 again and failure is inevitable. My fear of algebra is not normal for sure.
So after i was commissioned the dead line for finishing my degree was 18 months. I also have to be in my next army school in 18 months after my commissioning as well. So as far as my army career goes, there is a lot riding on me getting this done. Ive noticed that dealing with this last semester and the pressure to get it done has really limited the emotional capacity to deal with other issues. I don't feel like im going crazy but I can't imagine how married people do it. Having to deal with this and be able to be a responsible as a husband and father would boggle my mind. I don't know how the married brothers deal with these types of stressors.
One difference that I have noticed is the spouse. It is sooo beneficial to have someone there to listen to the stresses of the day and then push and motivate you towards the goal. I am NOT a self motivated kind of guy when it comes to school and homework. The motivation for me is that I have done something good; earned a commision. Now I want to keep it. I can't imagine messing that up.
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