My guard unit finished up our annual training this year with Dining Out. The Dining Out is a formal dinner for members and wives, family, ect. I took a good friend of mine that I have known for almost 10 years now. Amy Danielson used to work with us at the roller rink, served a mission in Moscow (right next to pa's cow), and now works for John Austin in his office. We had a great time and pictures will follow.
During AT I was made the Battalion Safety Officer (Acting). This is a job that I've really been able to sink my teeth into. Im able to affect policy and actually make a contribution to the unit. I was able to run through our new Pre-Accident Plan, and make the commander of our rear detachment aware that we were late on some inspections and meetings. Its amazing to see how easy it is to actually get things done and the reaction people have to what is really a simple accomplishment.
I really feel at home in the unit. I love being to do something productive to do. Ive been so bored lately waiting for my commission and siting around with no responsibility. Now the trick is to get the job done, make the program work and not get over zealous as a new butter bar.
Here are some pics.
The first pic is from the right rear seat of the black hawk. Now this is the worst seat in the helicopter but I didnt have a choice...the flight was full. The reason its the worst seat is with all the lift on the right hand side...the rotor wash slams into the right rear seat. Dont open your mouth or saliva will fly out of your mouth.
The next one is of my two friends. They met each other and really hit it off during AT. Warrant Officer Coleman (Patrick) and 2LT Barrington (Patrick). When Coleman shared a Zinger with Barrington it changed his life somehow becuase he had never had one before. There seems to be some latent feelings there.
The last pic is of my buddy Aaron and me waiting around for our turn to qualify on the m-16. Fun time.
Until next time.
pa's cow!...that's a good one.
Ohh I get it now!! HAHA!! Your AT sounded cool. If your unit ever needs or would like to practice joint-ops with another unit (like MEDEVACs or troop transport), you should totally tell them that the 142nd MI would love to participate. :) Just as long I don't get the bad seat.
Mom liked the Ma's cow too. She had to explain it to me. How did you like the Dining Out? Did you get a mess dress? It is nice you had someone to take. See you in November.
Mom & Dad
it is nice you had someone to take...we were pretty worried you had no friends. lol! do you have any pics of you all dressed up?
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