Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I am cleaning my room today and I found a large blue folder that I had put away in my closet after I returned from OCS. I want you all to know that I saved every letter, card, note, post-it, picture, and hand-writing sample ever sent to my during my voluntary incarceration at Fort McClellan. This folder contains some of the most precious moments for me. It is safe to say that these, heart-felt correspondences, and connections from home, and family were instrumental in boosting my morale, and giving me the strength to endure until at least the next day. So Thank You!

I have a few favorites among the treasures. Some of them are actually pictures of me from the thrilling days of yester-year. I would have never thought those would have meant so much!

I wanted to make sure that I let everyone know of my appreciation for your hospitality and friendship towards Wil and me during our road trip back home. Grandpa and Grandma Redden were amazing as always with smiles, hugs, and food. It was great to get up and see Aunt Luanne and Uncle Chuck. The atmosphere of their home alows you to just cuddle up with a great conversation or enjoy a laid-back barbecue. I love a good conversation. Everyone was so generous with their time and quick to make Wil feel comfortable, included, and cared for.

The trip for Wil was sorely needed. He had become embroiled in a few things that required a different perspective in order to see how family life could and should be. When you are surrounded by things that are not the norm....you soon lose sight of what the norm really is. He was able to relax and let go of his cares for a few days and it was surely a blessing.

The next posting will follow in a couple of days and I will fill you in on how the job is going.


Blogger John and Jan Sherman said...

Good to see you back at the blog. We enjoy your writing.

7:41 PM  

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