Saturday, July 04, 2009

Why I Joined

I was recently asked why I joined the Army. These are the reasons.

1. I grew tired of stories about soldiers taking the fall for illegal orders given from higher up the chain of command. No soldier under my command will ever have to worry about the legality of their orders

2. I did not like the way soldiers were treated while recovering from wounds received in battle. No soldier under my command will ever have to worry about fighting the Army or VA for medical benefits.

3. I joined to be a better leader than those I saw screw things up. I'm not the best at many things. I am very good at leading and taking care of people.

4. I am a good pilot.

5. I did not like how war heros in Iraq were dealt with when they came home and were treated as criminals as they suffered from PTSD and depression from their combat experiences.

6. I joined because I knew I could do it better than the idiot officers I saw on the news screwing it up.

Now that I have joined, putting my money where my mouth is, I have the right to take issue with the things I don't like. I look at everything with a critical eye. I study, listen to, and verify the facts that are discussed about issues that affect you and me. As an American it is my duty (as I see it) to know about the issues enough to see the oft-used misdirection and avoidance of our elected idiots. Imagine what this country would be like if we had a truly educated electorate! So when I see crap I don't like I make sure it doesnt happen on my watch.


Blogger Jason Evans said...

Good reasons !! I know #2 is a toughie for enlisted men. Having an officer behind you when trying to get medical stuff done makes a HUGE difference.

4:31 AM  
Blogger John and Jan Sherman said...

good reasons! You're truely your mother's son. After what we saw in MS there is a need for your type of officer.

7:34 PM  
Blogger John and Jan Sherman said...

Go Army Guard!! You family loves you!!

7:08 PM  

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